Do you find that some of your best problem solving happens in the shower?
It's probably the blissful combination of warm water / deep relaxation and being alone with your thoughts - far away from the distractions of conversations, smart phones and computers.
There is a local craft fair this Saturday where I will be setting up a table and I realized just today that I needed some sort of business card to hand out.
Do you save those standard sized business cards for future reference?
I never do - so didn't even consider making some up.
And actually I was looking for a "greener" option.
Then I had a moment of inspiration in this morning's shower.....
Since I collect and sell vintage paper I have lots of it lying around - bits and pieces, some of it a little forlorn and rough around the edges, and not quite suitable for framing.
Using scrapbook scissors I added a decorative edge to vintage Victorian cards, and attached one of my business labels to the back.
I'll have them standing up at the front of my display table and let people look through them to choose the image they like.
Guess it wouldn't hurt to have some candy scattered around as well....
If you're in San Francisco this Saturday afternoon the craft fair is being held at the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy in the Castro - drop by, say "Hi" and pick out your favorite card!
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Oops upside your head
4 weeks ago