Friday, December 12, 2014

December Afternoon Sunlight

A quiet moment by the kitchen windows, just waiting for the kettle to boil...

Since we're more of a Solstice household, the red pomegranate (and blooming rhipsalis to its left) is about as festive as it gets around here this time of year.
Also, December is the start of tax season for some of us.....
Just saying, since I so wanted to participate in Jane's holiday tour this week, along with other displays of way more sparkly seasonal revelry.


  1. So peaceful, I hope it took long :)

  2. Love this shot of red. Happy Solstice and thanks for getting this party started!

    xo J

  3. Festive enough! Makes me want to brew...

  4. Lovely picture. Happy Solstice!

  5. Nice use of the pomegranate! think i might pick up a couple and try to use them on the table. I like the way it 'feels'.

  6. According to my Scottish Ma, there is nothing like a good cuppa...and one of her fave houseplants was an African Violet. This pix made me smile-Happy Solstice!

  7. Such a pretty arrangement to photograph. I'm super jealous of those beautiful eggs in your latest post. I have always wanted my own chickens! Farm fresh eggs are the best!!! Happy holidays to you. :o)


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