And what is the key element of real progress on a home remodeling project?
Having access to a great contractor - really.
Typically we would have chipped away at this task weekend by weekend - the husband and I are both capable of framing out something as straightforward as this porch conversion.
But, quite frankly, it would have taken us to the end of the year to complete, because somehow weekends are not as long as they used to be - I'm sure you know what I mean.
But here it is, not officially summer yet, and we're halfway done - thank you, Steve!
We're still shopping around for sheets of frosted plexiglas for the tall openings along the side, and have already ordered a custom transom window for above the door.
The heavy wood door (in the process of being stripped of its 1930's era paint job) is one of our basement treasures. It was originally part of the back porch off our kitchen in the 1970's- a typical architectural feature you find here in San Francisco. It's nice to be able to recycle something that came with the house (and to finally get it out of the basement).
I'll stop now, I don't want to be tiresome - but I just wanted to share our sense of accomplishment with those of you also taking on house projects this summer.
Unfortunately from now on things will go slower, as we'll be the ones finishing things up over the next few months - unless the weekends mysteriously get longer......
Oops upside your head
4 weeks ago
I feel you pain. Trying to finish projects is a nightmare. We have a boat to varnish and finding time on weekends when the weather is right is almost impossible. The, when the sun does come out, I want to sit on deck drinking a mojito! What's a girl to do .... :-)